Getting Here
We have a fantastic array of buses serving the local area and beyond.
S2 Portreath, Gwithian, Hayle Towans, St Ives
L5 Helston, Hayle, St Ives
T1 Penzance, Hayle, St Ives
T2 St Ives, Hayle, Truro
515 Hayle, St Erth, Penzance
The S2 and 515 have stops just outside the site, the others have stops in the town.
The London to Penzance train line is a 15 minute walk away and a single stop away is St Erth where you can pick up the coast train for a spectacular ride into St Ives.
Hayle Town Cars 07902192090
St Erth and Hayle Cars 01736 754000